All of you who know me well also know that for two years I have been waiting.....somewhat patiently.....for my punching bag to be put up here in our house in Pennsylvania. It was my birthday present when we first came to Pittsburgh, and the promise to hang it has been given to me for Christmas, an additional birthday and Mother's Day.
But today, the promise came to fruition!!!! Doug figured out a way to attach it to the "I" beam in the garage. So no more improvisation!!!! I no longer have to set it up, punch, set it up, punch, set it up, punch. :)
What a great day!!! And I can even find a verse that is applicable (I know it is a stretch. For all you literalists--I am having some fun here.)
Heb 6:15 And thus, having patiently endured, he obtained the promise.
so - who will you be thinking of when you are punishing the poor bag with your right hook - hopefully not me! -
Man, I wish I could have had one of those up last week. I would have been in heaven.
I've asked my wife for one of those, but as yet no luck!
But hey...she did ask last night what I wanted for my birthday in a couple of weeks...hmmm...I couldn't think of anything at the time...now is the time to strike! Thanks for the idea Kiki!
Not too shabby. Bagwork can be a really good workout.
I have a wee ambition meself: to put a mook jong in the backyard. Maybe by the end of the summer.
Enjoy your bag!
Actually, it's to get out my frustration towards people who want us to "shut our pie holes" if we don't use words they have claimed as their own appropriately. : )
(Who gets to say they have a corner of the market on the English language, anyway?)
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