Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A Child's Cry In the Night

I was awakened about 3 this morning by a sound that startled me awake. It was the muffled cry of one of my children.

I quickly realized that it was Anna, and that she was having a nightmare. After making sure she was alright, I settled back down to go to sleep.

But as I lay there, I reflected on how amazing it is that a mother can sleep through other noises of the night, but at the slightest whimper from her child, can be instantly brought out of a deep sleep. A mother's ear is so attuned to the voice of her child, that even in a semi-conscious state she hears it.

It made me think about Psalm 34:15 "The eyes of the LORD are toward the righteous, And His ears are open to their cry."

If we as earthly parents are so attentive to the needs of our children, how much more does our Father in heaven watch over us? We can rest assured that God not only hears us, but is listening deep into the stillness for the faintest cry from the heart of His child.


Savage Baptist said...

...how amazing it is that a mother can sleep through other noises of the night, but at the slightest whimper from her child, can be instantly brought out of a deep sleep.

It's even more amazing that a father can sleep through not only the noise the child makes, but the sound of the mother getting up, rocking the child, and coming back to bed. Not that I know anyone who's done that. :)

Anonymous said...

To put another spiritual spin on it I think that "love" is a spiritual hearing aid. When we truly love our neighbor as ourself then we "hear" them in the "night" even at the slightest whimper.

Kiki Cherry said...


How true!!!

And I didn't say the mother is always able to STAY awake.

When Joshua was about 6 weeks old, I had gotten up to feed him in the middle of the night. We had snuggled into the rocking chair, gently rocking back and forth, back and forth.

I awoked suddenly to him screaming. He was face down on the floor. I had fallen asleep and he rolled out of my arms!!!

Scared me to death. But he was fine, once he was able to resume eating. : )