Yesterday I was speaking by Instant Messenger with a friend who lives in Mozambique. It was so refreshing for me to talk to another "kindred spirit", and to catch up on her life and family there on the field. Thanks, Angie!!! I really needed that.
As I finished speaking to her, I realized something. My best friends, those truly "kindred spirits" who I relate to on a heart level--are spread all over the world!!!! And it has to be that way, because we've all been commissioned to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.
I have prayed so much for God to send me a couple of close friends here in Pittsburgh, and wondered why He has not answered that prayer. But in reality, He HAS answered my prayer--just not in the way I would have expected. Most of my friends may not be here physically, but we live in an age of technology where we can connect GLOBALLY.
So I am adapting my idea of what "community" looks like. And I need to say thanks to some people.
Joel and David--thanks for calling me all the way from conference in Seattle, and for your wisdom and prayers. You have no idea how much of an encouragement you were to all of us that day.
Guy--thanks for the great material you sent. Your example, and your faithfulness, have meant so much to us. This new direction we are taking is going to be unconventional and messy----but exciting!!!! Your affirmation means a lot. We would love to meet you guys sometime, when you're back in the States. Plus it would be cool for your Anna and Joshua to meet our Anna and Joshua. ; )
Vicky--thanks for the phone call. I really miss "girl" time, and miss getting to serve with you and Kelly. And can't stand that we're so far away from those sweet kids!!!! But we love hearing about your ministry, and are excited about your connection with the local college, too.
Dan and Rachael, Angie S., and Ron--thanks for stopping by my blog--and especially for the kind words about my parents. It encourages me to know that others love them, too!!!!
Our Pittsburgh church planting team--I really enjoyed the meeting and lunch with you. Wish we all saw each other more often. I am blessed to get to work alongside you guys.
Massa--thanks for your listening ear and servant heart. We would have been lost without you these past 2 1/2 years. We still owe you dinner and a family outing. Just name the time. : )
Francie--thanks for your fun voicemails and emails. You always make me smile.
Jason--thanks for keeping me posted about your ministry, and for making me laugh. : ) I appreciate the lightheartedness and need a break from all the intensity sometimes.
Steve W., Art, and Dan--thanks for the kind words of encouragement, and especially the prayers. : )
Paul--thanks for sharing your heart with us, and letting us be part of this new adventure in your family.
Adam--thanks for your words of appreciation to us. Your email made me cry. You will always have a special place in our hearts--you're one of our "kids" now. But we also look forward to our new relationship as teammates. Next year is going to be amazing.
Phm 1:4-7 "I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers, because I hear of your love and of the faith that you have toward the Lord Jesus and all the saints,
and I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ. For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love, my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you."
It was a pleasure to talk to you all the way from Seattle. Joel let me read your email and we were talking and I just said, "We need to call her and throw what we're thinking out to her."
Thanks for talking with me last week when I needed the punching bag. I'm so looking forward to dinner with you and Doug and Joel and his wife. And I'm looking forward to the brisket and ribs I'll be smoking when we meet later in the year.
Blessing on you and Doug!
Thanks for your prayers for us. Know that ours are also with you.
And keep sharing about your family and your ministry. Most of the folks in our church know you as "the student ministry couple in Pennsylvania that I've gotten to know online." To me it's become much more than that. But they are always encouraged when I share with them something you've blogged about.
Kiki, it was great to talk to you yesterday. Hope we can do it again soon. You encourage and challenge me everytime I read your blog. I look forward to the day that we can meet each other's children and we can meet Doug. I can't even remember the last time we saw each other, can you? 1990 maybe??
I wanted to comment on your posts about your parents. I met them when they were at OBU in the spring of 86 for Global Focus Week. God used them mightily that week to speak to my heart and to Charlie's. I am so grateful for their obedience and faithfulness.
as long as i have a driver's lic. and a ghetto car -- you will have plenty of stories told to you -- i'm soo looking forward to my fun krispy kreme experience -- who knows this may be a new way i get free stuff! -- you and the fam. will have to come visit me in cranberry!
You are truly an encouragement, and someone that makes the blogsphere a joy. I look forward to meeting you and Doug in G'boro.
Like you, I have found many kindred spirits in "Blog Town."
Your Calling all you ordinary people post resonates with me as well, in that the blog medium can be a powerful tool for declaring the praises of God!
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord look with favor on you and give you peace.
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