I am officially declaring this a "nice" site (with a small sprinkling of "cheesy.")
You are welcome to comment (or even post!) here. This is an "I like everybody" website. That means you don't have to understand soteriology, or be ultra-educated, or have read the latest Bryan McClaren book or even have to like Starbucks to post on my site. (I'm sorry Kevin, but coffee-haters are people, too.)
I don't even care if your comments make sense, or if you like to end your sentences with multiple exclamation marks!!!!!!!!! I want this to be a safe place for everyone to come. Because You are special, and people like you!!!!!!!!
But Art and Dorcas tell me that all blogs should have rules. So here are mine:
1. If you have a pulse, you can post here.
2. If you don't have a pulse, you can still post here. (but I will be scared).
3. Play nice. (That means no slamming, YELLING, cussing, nastiness, deliberately blowing people off, condescending or "drive-by posting").
4. Optional rule: Sing, "It's love, it's love, it's love that makes the world go round...." as you type.
5. Your pictures don't have to be remotely related to your post content (see example above.)
6. You have the right to be "BA-leted" (must be read in a Strongbad voice) should you break these rules.
7. If you are like my friend Francie and not a fan of sentence structure or splling but would rather write your comments in one long stream-of-consciousness then you are still welcome at this site.
So.......in the interest of generating some positive conversation in the blog-o-sphere, here's a topic starter. Your answer can be a true story, totally random thoughts or a complete bunch of foo-feee. (oh, and new and original words are welcome here, too.......)
It was a seemingly ordinary day, until.............
It was a seemingly ordinary day, until.............
I saw my 15-year-old daughter sitting at the computer reading her email. I asked, "What do you have planned today now that school's out?" (school ended yesterday).
"Well", she said, "I was planning on sleeping late, but I'm used to getting up at six and I just couldn't sleep anymore. I hope it's not going to be like this all summer."
"I have faith in you", I told her. "I'm sure if you try really hard, you'll be sleeping til noon before you know it".
That means you don't have to understand soteriology, or be ultra-educated, or have read the latest Bryan McClaren book or even have to like Starbucks to post on my site.
That's a relief. I wouldn't have qualified on any of those counts.
It was a seemingly ordinary day, until..........
I had to go to a house filled with snakes and a toddler. No one's ever been jealous of my job again.
That actually happened some time ago. Curious how it came to mind just now.
Okay, these are really good. Maybe at the end we could merge them all into one giant story.....
do ya have to spell right or have correct grammer to post here / - if so, blame it on me being a darn pa yankee who doesn't know much of anything except cheezie stuff is fun and tacky free things are even better!
So what constitutes a "drive-by posting"? I'm anonymous, but I don't consider myself a drive-by poster.
You're fine. I have no problem with anonymity. Adds mystery. : )
"Drive-by" posting usually involves spamming someone, or advertising something unrelated to the blog site, etc.
I'm okay with silly or eclectic comments, because I have some silly, eclectic friends.
But it would be nice if they weren't completely random. For example, if we're talking about football, don't come by and leave a comment about Paris Hilton.
"Drive-by posting" could also be unsolicited, heinous remarks towards a group or individual, which would also be covered by the no "nasty" remarks rule.
How can such a nice person have a punching bag? (:>=
I've always felt your blog was one of those places where "ordinary people" are welcome and always treated nice! I think I'll adopt your seven blog rules for my own site! Where did you get that photo of the cat?!?!
It was a seemingly ordinary day until ...
I woke up.
It was a seemingly ordinary day, until...
Well, I don't know what to say. I guess that means I'm beyond ordinary!
....I got out of bed
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