Monday, June 26, 2006

A New Law

Isn't this video by Derek Webb so true?

Right now we are traveling around the country, speaking in several different churches and Christian venues, and meet so many with their blindfolds on. Sometimes we wonder why we even try to share the story of God's activity with the church, because so many don't get it or don't care.

But there is a remnant that DO see and DO care, and they transcend generational and denominational boundaries.

Last night we got to be part of just such a group, and it was so refreshing. We went to the "Midrash" service at Fusion--a church plant in Oklahoma City (

God is really moving in this little group of believers. Their members are so hungry for radical Christian living. They are desperate to reach the unreached, and are heading to the Himalayas in a couple of weeks to put feet to their passion. They live to see Christ glorified throughout the nations, beginning in dowtown Oklahoma City.

We were eating dinner with their pastor last night. He was sharing how it sometimes gets messy, and it is not safe. But it is oh, so cool to see people living lives that are sold out for Christ. We enjoyed being with these kindred spirits who have taken their blindfolds off and are allowing the Holy Spirit to lead them into new and unfamiliar territory.


Corazon Latino said...

I enjoyed the music video but I have to admit that it made me sad. It so reflects the lives of the people in churches here in Ecuador. Having come out of the catholic church many have just replaced the pope with their pastor! They expect to be told what to do and do not look to the Spirit to guide them. They are not encouraged to feed themselves as they are "immature" in their faith! They are living under a New law!! It makes me sad to see so much potential being stifled because of the control that is exerted by the pastor and "obedience" that is expected. God does not fit in a box!!!! I can only lead by example and pray for their blindflods to fall off.

Dionna said...

I have been visiting your blog for awhile now.
I have a mentoring program at my website -
I have a woman who wants a mentor -someone who has travelled a lot and understands the missionary life. Would you be interested in emailing her and mentoring her via email? Please contact me at

J. Guy Muse said...

"...sometimes gets messy...not safe. But it is oh, so cool to see people living lives that are sold out for Christ.

So very true. What a powerful video and post. I really agree with "corazon latino" that one of our biggest challenges is working with people who have opted to just live under a "new law." There are always exceptions (like our recent story on Byron) but we too struggle in a world where blindfolds are the norm.

Kelly Reed said...

Kiki, the song just made me relate to the old axiom about giving a fish versus teaching to fish.

Teach a Christian to live by a Rule and he'll walk the Way for a day and stay an immature believer

Teach a Christian to live by Faith and he'll walk the Way for a Lifetime and become a mature disciple

David said...

Oh, Kiki!

We just barely missed you! We were in OKC last week also, Wednesday thru Friday. Too bad we didn't know in advance, it would've been SO good to see you!

Anonymous said...

It was so good to see you guys and I am so glad you got to worship with us in all our messy-ness. I have found your blog now so you can now count me in as one of your devoted readers.

Jill Westberry