Tuesday, June 13, 2006

What a Day!!!!

Today was quite a day--filled with hope for our future, excitement over the general spirit and direction the SBC seems to be taking, and a sobriety at the realization of our shared responsibility.

Several things encouraged me about what happened today, so I'll tackle them one by one.

1. The proposal to invite the WMU to come under the umbrella of the SBC was shot down by messengers, and by a good margin. Let me tell you why I see that as significant. I love the WMU. I have a debt of gratitude to this wonderful organization of women. As a little girl, they taught me about the Cooperative Program and what it means to be Southern Baptist. When I was an MK in college, far away from home and so alone, it was WMU women who encouraged, hugged on me and brought me cookies. They instilled in me a passion to pray for our missionaries. To me, they are the heart of the SBC.

So I was concerned when the idea was proposed to take an organization that works so well, and that God has used so mightily, and bring it under the controls and constraints of another entity.
Apparently my fellow Southern Baptists agree, and they voted to leave the WMU alone. I am praising God today for that.

2. Dr. Frank Page being elected as the new SBC President. Dr. Page is a man who sees missions as priority. He not only voices that conviction, but puts words to action through the ministries of his church. And he is against narrowing the parameters of cooperation.

Today's vote spoke volumes. It told me that many of my fellow SBCers still see missions, and support of the Cooperative Program, as priorities. In spite of all the issues that have been on the table recently, when it comes down to it, our chief concern as a denomination remains the desire to take the gospel to every nation, tribe and tongue.

3. A hunger to get back to the things that count. I have been overwhelmed and greatly encouraged by conversations with fellow Southern Baptists this week. One thing I am hearing is a hunger for Christ to be glorified, and a desire to see all the nations come to Him. I have heard so many amazing and powerful testimonies of things God is doing all over the world. There is an excitement and anticipation that God is at work, and that the best is yet to come.

4. Validation of a new generation of Southern Baptists, coupled with words of wisdom from those who have blazed the trail before us. It has been so affirming to hear many respected leaders speak inclusively of the younger generations within the SBC. There seems to be a desire to adapt and change in order to be missional, and I sense that our leadership is listening to the concerns of the missionaries, pastors, and laypeople at the grassroots.

But I also appreciate their words of admonition and caution. Some of the best advice I have heard recently came from Dr. Iorg on Monday night. He warned of the danger of distractions, and recommended that we choose our words carefully and wisely. This week, numerous people have told me, "I read your blog." That humbled and scared me. I suddenly realized the awesome responsibility that our words carry. As ambassadors for Christ, we need to be so on guard that the things we say bring Him glory and not dishonor.

5. Emphasis on prayer and the leading of the Holy Spirit. It was wonderful today to hear that IMB missionaries all over the world are joining us in prayer for the duration of the convention. Prayer is the key to everything.

Multiple times this week, in sermons that were preached and in conversations with individuals, there was an emphasis on prayer until. That means being obedient to go where God sends us, and then waiting for Him to reveal the next step rather than taking a pre-conceived program and trying to fit God around it. I am convinced that God will move in a powerful way through us when we become a people of earnest, persistent prayer, and when we get still enough to listen.

What an incredible, wonderful, exciting day. I can only respond by saying, "This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it."


francie said...

how exciting -- i enjoyed the cp video on the live feed that mentioned that it helps to fund bcm - and then they went on to explain it

part of me wishes i were there to first hand experience this new day in sbc life

thanks for representing us from pa well!!

should i send the new prez. a tack y gift to say congrats!!! - maybe an amish shot glass!!!

Ashlee said...

I'm thankful for your report. I too had wanted to attend but did not get to this year. I also didn't know you were an MK and I' so glad that you have such an appreciation of WMU. :)