Tuesday, February 21, 2006

More Life Lessons from Joshua

Joshua made this picture at the retreat.

We were having a time of response/journaling, and the worship art tables were available.

He drew this and gave it to Doug.

Doug asked why he had chosen this verse, and he said, "I was just thinking about Genesis and creation, and being outside. I had been reading this verse, and was looking at everyone in the room."

"It made me think about how He made us, and said that how He made us was good. I was also thinking about how silly it is that people can believe that we came from some nuclear explosion or whatever."

So I asked him what he meant by saying how God made us was good.

"Well, it's kind of like a car," Joshua said. "If it's really fast, then it usually doesn't have good handling. If it has good handling, then it's usually not as fast. Both have their weaknesses and strengths. One is not better than the other. They are just different."

"Like I'm medium in smartness, really funny, and good at making friends. I like games and being with my family. Those are the things that make me special. God made me that way on purpose because He has a plan for my life, and He needed a Joshua just like me to fit it."


Paul said...

That's awesome!

art rogers said...

He doesn't sound like medium smartness to me. Or, at the very least, he is maximum in wisdom - which is more desirable by far. Don't you think?

francie said...

so what do ya think - is he 20 yet? - maybe hanging with the students will rub off on them!!

or he can just keep stealing the dominoes and try playing with the microphone!!!

Tim Sweatman said...

He sounds pretty smart to me. Apparently he has your knack for using everyday items (cars, straightening irons) to illustrate spiritual truth.