Friday, January 20, 2006


I have been listening to a song over and over again tonight, because the words speak so deeply to me. It is the old hymn "Be Thou My Vision." Here are the words:

Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best thought by day or by night
Waking or sleeping Thy presence my light.
Be Thou my wisdom and Thou my true word
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord
Thou my great Father, I, Thy true son
Thou in me dwelling and I with Thee one
Riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise
Thou mine inheritance now and always
Thou and Thou only first in my heart
High King of heaven my treasure Thou art
High King of heaven my victory won
May I reach heaven's joys, O bright heaven's Sun
Heart of my own heart whatever befall
Still be my vision O Ruler of all.
Proverbs 29:18a says, "Where there is no vision the people perish." When I study a verse, I like to look up the original word and definition in Strong's. Tonight I was fascinated with something I saw in this particular verse. One of the definitions under "no" was "fail (father)-less". And one of the words under vision was "dream".
I realize the full definition is needed for the correct context. But I picked out those specific definitions because it brought a point home in my mind.
I often pursue "fatherless dreams"--plans made in my own pride and selfishness, without seeking His will. And when I do that, I fall on my face.
I NEED a God-given dream to pursue. If I don't have one, then I flounder.
I want so much for my dreams, my plans, my vision, my longings, to be rooted in His desires and not my own.
Oh Abba, give me YOUR vision. May my dreams be always for your glory. Let me see people through your eyes of compassion. Give me the heart of a shepherd. I want to have a "heart like your heart". O Lord, only you can save our campus. Our students are so lost!!! Please draw them to you so they may know the love, peace, intimacy and joy that I have found in you. Don't let me ever grow tired of fighting for those who are lost and weak and blind. Oh Lord, lift the veil from their eyes so that they can see you. Let our gaze be fixed on you until the day you return in all of your glory." AMEN.

1 comment:

francie said...

wow - that's deep sister! - either that or it's really late and every thing sounds good to me at 3:30am!!! - seriously - you preach it - you're onto something - please keep challenging with what God is teaching you - it seems like we - leaders of ministries, churches, organizations - are always trying to define vision - when i think at times the vision is simple - as paul says to know Christ both in his death and in his resurrection - if we are doing that with our lives - it will spill over to a dying world - others will known Christ through our lives

thanks - good words!!
