Friday, January 13, 2006

Prayer and Fasting

I know several of you are anxious to hear about Passion '06, and I'm anxious to tell you!!! But that will have to wait for a later post.

We are dedicating today to prayer and fasting for the Southern Baptist Convention. Marty Duren has a great list of things to pray for on his site

God is doing some cool things through our denomination right now. The stories coming from the mission field, of how hundreds are coming to Christ, are so exciting.

But Satan is fighting hard to keep those things from happening, and attempting to undermine what God is doing. We need to pray now, more than ever, for our churches.

My main three prayers are:

1) That we would be broken and humble before God
2) That He will be glorified, and His will be done
3) That there will be unity


Kevin Bussey said...

Wise words Kiki. I'm praying!

francie said...

As i was driving to the assoc. office for our staff mt. - a song began to play in my head - it was avlon - you were there - the line that hit me was - "you were there in history's darkest hour" - several folks have posted that this is the "darkest hour in baptist history" - well. . . the Holy Spirit reminded me - You are there! - Glory be to His Name - He can't and will not allow sin to prevail - just as David cried out concerning his enemies to his Lord - we can do the same - and have the same results - the Lord is our refuge - He will not allow His Glory and Name to be defamed. - i need to pray more often as i drive - i apparently think better!

In His Grip,

Lesley said...

So nice to make a connection with a fellow human rights gal! Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment!

In regards to "Invisible Children," the Anthropology department at Butler (I am an Anthro. major) actually organized a viewing just prior to semester break. Unfortunately, I had an evening class and was unable to attend, but all reports stated that it was very well-received by the students, faculty, and community members in attendance. Personally, I hope to acquire a copy, or find another location to view it!

Because we just began spring classes this morning, I know that human rights events on campus are not at the forefront of our minds, or the calendar for that matter. However, we have several ongoing events that I hope to see more involvement in as the semester progresses.

Thank you again for your note! I appreciate it. I'll save your blog, and check it out as a part of my online perusal!

Take care of you, and best wishes for the week. -Lesley

Kiki Cherry said...


I noticed we share another interest--soccer!!! I played on an indoor team until just a few years ago. Now I've passed the baton on to my daughter, Anna,who also loves the sport.

One of our college students is on the women's soccer team at CMU, and she has become an amazing mentor to Anna. We go to as many games as we can, and they've even let Anna be the ball girl. We also try to make cookies for the team whenever possible.

I love being a campus minister. College students are the best.

Thanks for coming over and posting on my blog. : )

Tim Sweatman said...


That is one of my all-time favorite songs, and it is so important for us to remember that He is with us at every moment, both the good ones and the dark ones. That song also reminds us of the source of our strength:
"You were the victor and the King;
You were the power in David's swing;
You were the calm in Abraham;
You are the God who understands;
You are the strength when we have none;
You are the living, the only One;

francie said...

Amen!!! -- sometimes it is easy to not see the bigger picture cause i cam so focused on the immediate -- but because He is, He was, and He will be - I can do all things!!
