Monday, January 30, 2006

Go hug a tree

If you were to come on our campus right now, you would find several naked baby dolls tied to trees in the new construction area. And a student told me today that an art professor stripped down, hugging a tree butt naked, while construction workers waited patiently to continue clearing the hillside.
Ah, the joys of free speech. Gotta love it.
Don't get me wrong. I firmly believe in protecting our environment, and believe God instructed man from the beginning to care for the earth.
I also love living in a country where free speech is permitted, after spending half my life in a place where it was not.
But......when does it go too far?
There should at least be a "good taste" mandate. I mean........those poor construction guys are going to need therapy before all this is over!!!


Joe Kennedy said...

Part of me wants to laugh. Part of me wants to cringe. Part of me wonders, what if I were in that professor's art class?

But most importantly, I just want to ask, "They're not pine trees, are they? I hate pine trees."

Anonymous said...

In the wisdom of God, 'chronos' is linear. Some things could have been left in the '70's!

RMc said...

How much you want to bet that one of those construction guys had a digital camera....... You ain't seen the last of that prof!

Kiki Cherry said...

I guess it's better than one of the Senior art projects from a couple of years ago. It featured uterii (I guess that's the plural of "uterus")

I think it was a pro-choice statement. But the whole thing portrayed happy little animated uterii in everyday life settings.

Very Norman an Andy Warhol kind of way.

Warhol, for the record, was a CMU alum.)

Tim Sweatman said...

It may be impossible to get some sort of "good taste mandate" to regulate personal expression, but I would assume that there are laws against indecent exposure in Pittsburgh. (If anything, there should be a law of nature that says that anyone who is dumb enough to go outside naked in Pittsburgh in January should get frostbite in some, uhh, personal places.) And if this professor looks anything like the professors here at WKU, it would certainly be indecent exposure! ;)

I'm glad I read all the way through your comment about the art project. After reading the first paragraph I thought the student had used real uterii/uteruses/whatever-the plural-of-is-uterus-is, which would not only be quite gross, but would raise serious questions about where on earth he/she got them from? Thank goodness they turned out to be animated, and happy as well.

Tim Sweatman said...

I just noticed an error in my previous comment (don't tell my wife; it will ruin my image). Ignore the first "-is" in the phrase "whatever-the-plural-of-is-uterus-is." It will make more sense if you do.

Savage Baptist said...

Naked tree-hugging. And Yankees (this word is applicable to anyone raised north of the Mason-Dixon line) wonder why I roll my eyes at their behavior and praise God for having the mercy to make me an Oklahoman.