Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Update on Pastors

Keep praying for the Zimbabwean pastors, that they will not have to go to trial.

But also be praising the Lord for what He has done through this situation!!!

I just got a report that one of the pastors, while in detention, led all of his cellmates to the Lord, before requesting to be moved to a new cell. Apparently the scene was much like something you would have seen in Acts--with people singing, praying together, and praising God.

What Satan intended for harm, God used for his glory!!!!

1 comment:

Tim Sweatman said...

It continues to amaze me how what we would consider a tragic situation is a key part of God's plan to redeem people. I pray that God would bring these pastors back to their churches soon, but even more I pray that God will strengthen them and continue to use them as witnesses no matter what happens.